Compass Market Research - Leveraging Bulletin Boards for Deeper Insights Poster
Elevating the Research Participant for Better Insights Poster
Mobile Market Research for Treatment Insights Poster
Moving Qualitative Online - A Day in the Life of an Oncology Nurse Poster
Oh No! Not Homework! Poster Handout
Online Publications
Volpe, Caroline and Welsh-Allen, Colleen, Expanding Your Business into Pharmaceutical Market Research, QRCA Views, Volume 21 (Fall 2021), Number 1, 40
Volpe, Caroline, They Think What!? How to Improve the Participant Experience, QRCA Views, Volume 17, (Spring 2019) Number 3, 44
Volpe, Caroline, In Their Eyes: How Understanding Respondent Perceptions Can Help Improve the Research Process, QRCA Views, Volume 17 (Winter 2018), Number 2, 46
Volpe, Caroline, Evolution of Projective Techniques, QRCA Views, Volume 11 (Spring 2013), Number 3, 52-56
Volpe, Caroline, Moving Projective Techniques to Online Bulletin Boards, Greenbook Article on behalf of QRCA
Caroline Volpe, a member of QRCA, has been awarded the status of a thought leader by QRCA for her contribution of her expertise to QRCA and its members. This status acknowledges Caroline’s contribution to driving new thinking in the field of qualitative research by creating content that is shared via presentations and articles.